Saturday, April 23, 2005

5:55 pm

The Catholic Calendar for Monday, April 25, 2005
Monday of the Fifth Week of Easter
St. Mark, evangelist

Scripture from today's Liturgy of the Word:
1 Peter 5:5-14
Psalm 89:2-3,6-7,16-17
Mark 16:15-20

A reflection on today's Sacred Scripture:

Today the Church celebrates the feast of St. Mark the gospel evangelist.

Recently I had the wonderful opportunity of hearing a Scripture study on the
Gospel of Mark, to learn the cultural context of the Gospels and other
important and interesting information which made the familiar words all the
more alive and meaningful. It changed forever (I pray) the somewhat "ho-hum"
way I've often read the Sacred Word and raced mindlessly through the text.

As a result of the study, I realize we're all so much more blessed than we
can imagine by God's Holy Word and the working of the Holy Spirit who
inspired the sacred writers.

Today on St. Mark's Feast I pray for his intercession with the Almighty that
the Living Word which is Jesus may find its way into the heart of a needy
world. And that the fidelity and love that fueled his mission to write may
bear abundant fruit in our own time.

On today's Feast of St Mark, I encourage all to read "Dei Verbum", The
Dogmatic Constitution On Divine Revelation

- Donna Raye Nelson, OCDS
(drn3rd at hotmail dot com)

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