Wednesday, April 27, 2005

5:22 pm

The Catholic Calendar for Friday, April 29, 2005
Friday of the Fifth Week of Easter
St. Catherine of Siena, virgin, doctor of the Church

Scripture from today's Liturgy of the Word:
Acts 15:22-31
Psalm 57:8-12
John 15:12-17

A reflection on today's Sacred Scripture:

"Love one another as I have loved you. . ."

What in the world could Jesus mean by this? How can we love one another in
the way He loved us? Are we each called to crucifixion and death for the
benefit of others?

Probably not in the literal sense that Jesus was crucified and died. And
yet, every day we are given the opportunity for numerous, nearly endless
small sacrifices, endless "deaths to self" that would be small crucifixions.
When someone wants something from us that we simply don't wish to give --
that is a call. When a child wakes us earlier than we would wish, or acts
up, or demands things from us that push our very limits -- we can give
ourselves up to the grace of God, die to self and love one another as He
loved us.

Christians are known by their love. Our love has one source, one completion:
Jesus Christ, Crucified, died, resurrected. He is the source of our ability
to love and the source of all love. When we love with His love we make the
resurrected Christ present to the person being loved. They may not see Him,
but they can come to know Him if we make Him present at every opportunity.

So, when the opportunity comes today: Love one another as Jesus loves you."

- JuandelaCruz

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